Praying this is it, but probably not

Sunflower Ma 🌻

37 weeks today. Trying to go to sleep but getting consistent Braxton Hicks that are mildly uncomfortable at this point. Sorta feels like a period. Baby is moving a bit too. Im sure it’s gonna be nothing but honestly I’m like WILLING my body to keep going and for it to start feeling worse. Im just WILLING it to turn into real contractions. I feel some pain in my lower back too. Ugh probably just prodromal labour and Braxton Hicks but my golly... I’d be lying if I was just sitting here praying it’s labour starting!

Please oh please! I’m picturing it all in my head now. I just want to have my baby!

Update: it was not... ugggghhhh. Good thing cuz my husband had an exam in school this morning lol! I slept all night. Woke up to some cramping but didn’t progress to anything lol ugh! Idk if I can’t take three more weeks!