Ok so I saw this little gender predictor game & wanted to see how accurate it was for most of you! How to play:
1. Take The number of the month you last had your period ex. June(6) 
2. Add your age to that number 
3. Subtract the result from 49 
Ex. 21+6=27 49-27=22
4. Take the result (22) & begin to subtract in sequence ex 1,2,3 & so on 
5. Once you can't subtract anymore (meaning your last subtraction could turn out negative ) then the resulting number is your gender 
6. Even number boy; Odd number girl 
Example: 21(age)+6 (month of lmp)=27
49-27= 22
22-1= 21 21-2=19 19-3=16 16-4=12 
12-5=7 7-6= 1
My prediction is that I would be having a girl. I have not found out yet but i will keep you ladies posted. How's my of yours came out true? 
 How many came out correc?