Made a stupid mistake. Looking for hope.


Sooo... I got a positive clear blue opk on Sun (FMU, same as I had tested with 4 days prior). We only did the deed this cycle on Friday and this morning at about 2:30 am (hubs was on night shift). So 48 before positive OPK and 48 hours after.

Did I hit my window? Decently? Or barely?

I’m honestly SO mad at myself. On Mon night when I got into bed, we was like “go put the seed stuff in and let’s do it”. Meaning Preseed. And I was tired and bitchy and turned him down. TURNED HIM DOWN!!! ON PEAK DAY!!! I thought to myself “you’re gonna regret this. The bitchiness will pass and you will be kicking yourself”. And OF COURSE, this is true. Who does this??? I want to get pregnant SO bad but my hormones and exhaustion got the best of my judgement. Ughhhh. Stupid, stupid.

Someone pls tell me I’m not entirely out. I’m really upset.

P.S. Neither time that we did it was Preseed used. But I have had cramping and EWCM Mon and Tues and stayed laying down at 2:30 this morning after we did it (obviously bc I went straight back to sleep).