Why me!!!


Tomorrow is finally our ovulation day!!!!!!!!! BUT ive had a lot of discharge the last 3/4 days and I’m starting to think it’s BV. I’m quite prone to it, haven’t had it in a long time and the only thing I’ve done differently is I had a bath last week 🙄 which I never do! But it’s one of the things I got told can start it off and try and avoid.

Also, we get married next week!!! Gunna double check with canesten diagnosis stick and use the gel for the next 7 nights which usually clears it up straight away. Which should finish two days before our wedding! Typicaaaalllll.

Sorry to rant, but I’m so upset, we have nearly three weeks off together, we are suppose to baby dance today and the next few days but my body has different ideas. Luckily it started before our honeymoon, even though I’m due on towards to the end of that 🤦🏼‍♀️
