When did you hear heartbeat?

Alison • 1st pregnancy twins due Dec’ 19👶🏻👶🏻IVF Fresh transfer 2x, IVF cycle 2 March ‘19 Barbados BFC 🙏🏻🤞🏻, failed IVF 1 and 3 IUI’s in ‘18, immune issues, fur mama to 2 dogs 💕

I scheduled my ultrasound for tomorrow🙏🏻🤞🏻🎉We’re hoping to hear a heartbeat (or maybe 2 since we did a fresh transfer with 2)!!💓💗💓🥰I messed up the timing a bit and with the holiday I ended up schedule my ultrasound for 6wk3d. My last beta was 10 days ago and was 4421. Do you think we’ll hear a heartbeat or have to go back in another week or two?!
