Ive been a stay at home mom for 2.5 years now. I recently had my second 4 months ago. Ever since then Im really struggling. I had them both on a good schedule but now somehow it got thrown off. Having two is sooo hard. 😩 one needs me then the other and then back and forth constantly all day long. I dont get two minutes to myself and im stressing out. Im thinking about putting my older one in preschool in the fall shell be 3. But im a mess to send her im scared and thats my baby pretty much (makes me think of her start not needing me anymore- I know dramatic but its the start). I feel like im pushing her to go in my mind to give myself a break and I feel guilty even tho I think she would benefit from it because she LOVES kids. What do I do what do I do 😭😭😭 this mom thing is so hard!!