The process of trying to get pregnant.

Me and my husband got married January 18th of this year and we dicided immediately that we wanted to start a family. We tried for the past few months and nothing. Understandable that we havent tried that long i just get so anxious when its about a week before my period. Its like i can almost feel that im pregnant then a few days later i start. I thought it was a little odd that we was kind of having trouble right off the bat so i went to the doctor to make sure everything was running fine on my end and the diagnosed me with endometriosis. They tried to comfort me and tell me that its not impossible to get pregnant it can just be a long journey that me and my husband will have to take. I cant help but to be upset but obviously ill just have to stay strong and keep trying! About how long did it take any of you to get pregnant with endometriosis?