18 month suddenly hating sleep! Any advice please?


Im just wondering when everyone’s little ones stopped the day time naps? Our LO used to nap twice a day and sleep 7-7. He eventually went down to one nap, now he is really starting to hate napping and takes ages to fall asleep.

Then when bedtime comes around he screams! Iv tried getting him up, then back to bed, doesn’t always work he will cry again. He goes to bed with 7oz milk but last night we ended up giving him another 5 and he fell asleep after about 40 minutes of crying. But that’s a lot of milk to be having at bed time! Then tonight the same again crying for 30 minutes. I left him for 5 minute intervals and 38 minutes later he’s asleep.

He used to sleep so well! He was sleeping in a space saver cot at the end of our bedroom, but we have moved him into a big cot in his older brothers bedroom and this has only started since he’s moved there a week ago. After 30 minutes of crying tonight, and him disturbing his older brother I moved him back into our room and he was asleep 5 minutes later. Could it be that he really hates sleeping in another room? As it’s not like we are in our bedroom when he falls asleep he is alone. Or maybe more milk? Or drop the day time nap? Which is around 2 hours usually.

Any advice or experience would be great as I don’t think I can handle many more nights of this lol!

Thanks! :)