Am i wrong for wanting to keep my sister away from my children??

Long story short; i moved into my mother’s house after me and my children’s father ended things. I was still young (21 at the time) and we had our almost 2 year old and i was pregnant. My mom agreed to let me stay with her so i can save money. She doesn’t like idea of me living alone with two kids anyways, she thinks it makes me an easy target, which i completely see but it’s going to most likely happen one day soon and tons of single moms do it. ANYWHO. I have an almost 13 year old sister. It’s just me and my kids, my mother, and sister. Her and my stepdad got a divorce a few years ago. He was always very strict and intimidating. So nobody acted up around him growing up bc we were scared and knew there’d be consequences. Well now that he’s not here, my sister is out of control. So disrespectful, always screaming at my mom telling her to do this and that, will say no I’m not doing that when she’s told to do chores, never cleans up after herself (always leaves her garbage laying around, won’t clean up spills or crumbs, dirty clothes in the bathroom, her stuff is just everywhere you get the point). She’s always screaming at me and talking bad about me in front of my kids and even to my son (almost 3 now.) it’s just constant yelling in this house and I’m sick of my kids growing up around this (my daughter is 5 months). She’s always making my son cry on purpose (purposely making him mad and doing it over and over again bc “it’s funny to make him mad” and he always says she hurts him. He’s young, so idk whether or not to fully believe that and would HOPE she would never, but i don’t fully look over it. Always keep my eye on her with him and avoid them being alone.) and I’ll tell him no about something and she’ll sit here and tell him to do it or that it’s okay. I tell my mom all the time she needs discipline. Bc that’s what kept me out of trouble growing up, i knew if i did something bad i would be in trouble. She’s constantly getting in trouble at school, and home. My mom will say she’s going to take her phone away or she’s going to end up living with her dad but it never happens. I’ve told her probably at least 30 times since the beginning of this year if she doesn’t stop, when i move out, she will not be seeing my kids bc she has done nothing but make this household a toxic place for them and is teaching them everything they should never do, like talk back to their mother and not listen. She’s not once even tried to change. Never once even apologized for how she is. I’ve cried to her and poured my heart out to her as to why it’s so important she stops. All she said was okay she will and she never once attempted. I’m just so over this. I’m looking to get out of this house ASAP, and I honestly don’t feel sorry for wanting to keep them away from her. She’s mean to my son too, like it’s too the point where she’ll want a hug or to play and he’ll say no you’re mean to me and walk away from her. Now there are times where she’s nice to him, but i can say there’s never been a full 20 minutes of just her being nice and playing with him. Am i wrong for this?? I feel like people will think i am because she’s my little sister, but in my eyes that doesn’t mean anything. Like i told her, idc if you were my mother, if you mistreat my kids and make their environment toxic, you don’t deserve and will not be in their lives. Just wanted opinions.