I feel so stupid 🤦‍♀️


About an hour after I woke up this morning, I got a really intense and painful Charlie horse in my calf. I tried heat, massage, and stretching but it wasn’t letting up. There was a big red mark on my skin where the pain was, and I was convinced it could be a blood clot. I called L&D and they suggested monitoring and Tylenol and coming in if it didn’t improve. I called my husband home from work (4 hours away) an hour later because it was still hurting and red and I was alone with our 2 year old and nobody to take me to the hospital or watch her so I could go. By the time he got here, the redness was gone and the pain had improved a lot. I’m so glad it was nothing serious, but I’m sitting here feeling like the dumbest person in the world right now 😣