Should I be concerned?


Had an appointment yesterday (I was 34+6) and up until yesterday I've been measuring perfectly. Yesterday they said that I'm measuring, "slightly on the smaller side" and at my next appointment they're going to do an ultrasound to check his growth as a precaution. Every other appointment I've had he's been positioned lower and more in the front, whereas yesterday he was higher and more on my left side. Should I be concerned that he's not growing appropriately or would you think that I measured slightly smaller because was positioned differently?

I've heard that babies tend to follow their mothers in size when they're born, and if that's the case then he's going to be small because I was only 6 pounds 9 ounces when I was born. They've never told me how much he weighs or anything, just that everything has been normal and he's been growing appropriately.

I'm so annoyed and confused because I feel like I'm getting concerned over nothing, but I don't know it's not nothing. 🤦