My birth story

Ashley • Wife /Mommy

Tomorrow is my daughters 1st birthday so I thought I would share my story.

On April 17th 2018 I went in for an appointment with my midwife. I was hoping it was my last appointment. I was 38 weeks and 2 days. When I got into the room my midwife asked if I wanted a membrane sweep! Without hesitation I said Yes! ( I had been asking for one at 36 weeks. Lol). She did it and I left there feeling contractions. Good thing my husband was driving. 😊. Once we got home I decided to sit in my birthing ball. Contractions started coming on a little harder. A couple hours passed by, that’s when I called my mom and told her that Avalynn is coming. My husband and first Daughter slept while I was getting some last minute stuff done. I finally laid down. Couldn’t sleep so I started walking around. At the point contractions were about 8 mins apart. It must have been like 3am. I finally decided to tell I told my husband we may need to head to the hospital. But I told him to keep sleeping I wasn’t ready to go. 6am came and I told him it’s time to go. But first I need to shower. (Contractions were at least 5 mins apart. By the time we headed out my contractions were every 3 minutes. Herushed me out and said let’s go. Or I’ll be having this baby at home. We got in the car, we had Our daughter with us. Then the funny thing happens We Had No Gas! We couldn’t not stop laughing 😂. I told him well I guess I’m having this baby in the car. Lucky we don’t live far from the hospital. Once we arrived , I was admitted. The midwife I specifically wanted wasn’t on until 8am. My daughter was in the room while contractions kept coming on. She finally left. And I was really able to focus on breathing and staying focused. Around 8:30 or 9am I was checked by my favorite midwife. I was at 6cm. I was transferred to L&D where I had the most amazing room! A big bath tub with jets so I could labor in. It was filled with essential oils and dimmed lights. I labored in the tub until I was 9cm! My contractions were bad but I was able to breathe through them. Hewas the best birthing coach I could ask for. He was everything I need and more. Finally I felt my water brake and oh hell thats when the contractions started getting real!!!. At that point the tub didn’t feel good. He and my midwife helped me out of tub. At that point I was crying for an epidural, saying I couldn’t do it handle it anymore. My husband stayed by my side and reassured me that I am strong and I can do this. God designed my body to do this. They asked me to sit on the toilet (trying to distract me. but all I could think about is getting that dang epidural. My husband, my midwife, and nurse all new it was to late for me to get. (I really didn’t want it) I was just scared of all the bad things that can happen. I became hot that’s when all modesty went out the window. Lol. Finally I got on the bed, contractions kept coming stronger and stronger. We started practicing the pushing, and more pushing. Finally I was a 10cm. I was so tired 😓 I had been up for 24hrs already. I was scared of things happening to me, I was scared of dying(drama) Once again I was reassured by My husband that I can do this. He prayed over me, prayed over Avalynn. My midwife said she was right there with me, she wouldn’t let anything happen to me. She had me. I started pushing and pushing. Avalynns head was right there. Once again I was crying because I was tired , I couldn’t find the strength to push anymore. My midwife then says I love this Christian Music you are plying but we need something to pump her up (ME). So he put on our song Safe and Sound. Not even a minute into the song I pushed Avalynn out. They laid her on my chest and there she was. Avalynn Jane Rhoades came into this world at 12:41pm on April 18th of 2018. I could have done it with out my Amazing Husband and all his support and love from the start to the finish. He was the best coach!! My Midwife who believed in me! She knew my birth plan, she knew what I wanted from the start. She was amazing. To my nurse who was there when I needed her.

Last but not least I Thank God for keeping me and little Avalynn safe that day.

A non medicated birth isn’t for everyone. But it was for me. I’m so happy I was able to go this route. I would do it all over again.