TTC with Clomid and Preseed


So I got the results of my husbands SA and his levels are great with no abnormalities... me on the other hand irregular periods and pcos and lower than normal progesterone and estrogen levels.. 😭 I feel like a horrible perso. Because I was hoping it wasnt just me... he said I'm fine that he would never blame me for our struggles in concieving but the idea of it still hurts is that wrong?? Anyways, tonight I decided to spice things up I got black Lace lingerie and waited for him to get home. We laid in bed just talking and he kept staring at me and said God your so beautiful. Hes truly an amazing and patient man! I'm blessed! We used preseed for the first time tonight... I'm on my second round of clomid my last pill will be taken Friday making Monday the day we really need to have sex every other day... saying a prayer that we do concieve this round!

Side effects



*vivid nightmares


Who had conceived second round of clomid with preseed???