My surprise Baby arrived! Finally time for my story!

Dianalis • A mom of soon to be 5 🙃🙃 Oct 2020

So it’s finally my time for my birth story lol..

I was a scheduled induction at 39 weeks due to some minor complications with my sciatica. But that night off I was having pretty strong contractions. Woke up at 6am the 17th.. got the kiddos ready for school and waited for my mom to arrive around 7am so my husband and I could leave to the hospital. Got to the hospital at 8am. We are only 15 mins away from the hospital so wasn’t too bad of a morning. Anyways, once we got here I was quickly put in the room, IV was put in and some meds were started.

At 930 my dr comes in breaks my water etc. checks me 3cm dilated which I came in that way Because pitocin wasn’t started till he came in. ( I think the baby intended in making her arrival the 17th no matter what)

At 1030 I was rechecked and I was 5cm dilated at this point my contractions were getting stronger. So I asked for the epidural.

Around 1050 the epidural was in and I was feeling better until I realized that I was still feeling contractions on my right side. They called the anesthesiologist back. She gave me something stronger and then finally I was comfortable.

Nurse comes back around 1130 and checks says I’m still a 5 to 6.

She leaves to get me a peanut ball for in between my legs. She says it works wonders lol and that it did. I had the the ball

For about 10 When she rechecks me around 12 I went from 5-6 to 10cm within 10 mins. She calls the dr who at this point had left the hospital to his office. So I had to wait about 30 mins. And for those 30 mins I felt every contraction. Because the baby was ready to come the epidural stopped working..

Once he came in and got ready, took me 2 pushes (Less than 5 mins) and baby was out! Lol my husband and I got to pull her together. It was so amazing!

No tears but I was super numbed due to extra dosage of epidural.

The baby was our surprise baby so my husband called out the sex. We thought a boy the whole time lol. This was our 4th and I had never been wrong guessing the sex til this one.

Anyways Meet our little surprise Baby

Camila Jaelis 🥰
