Being sick made me have contractions

Mandy • Baby girl #3 Magnolia Grace, born 5-9-19!

So yesterday I posted about feeling so sick I was crying. It was horrible. My husband had to come home from work early to help take care of me and my daughter. I had to cancel my appointment with the midwife and she told me to see my doctor to make sure it wasn’t strep or the flu this close to the end of pregnancy. (I’m 36+4 today.)

I continued to feel worse and worse. Then I started having contractions. So I’m feeling miserably sick and having contractions, with so much of the pain in my back. This really makes me feel scared and hopeless. I started sobbing and just kept repeating to my husband “I can’t do this anymore. I just can’t do it.”

We had to pick up my older daughter from school on the way to the doctor, and just sitting in the car was torture. I was so weak I could hardly walk, and my back was KILLING me. It felt exactly like the back labor I had with my second baby.

Get to the doctor, tested negative for strep and flu, and he said it’s probably a respiratory virus and one of the ways it’s manifesting is causing contractions. I couldn’t sit on the patient table, I had to stand up and lean on things because the back labor hurt so bad. I was fully thinking we would just have to go to the hospital because it felt like full blown labor. The doctor said I needed to treat the symptoms and rest as much as possible.

My doctors office is 45 minutes away, and the drive home was more torture. My poor older daughter all the while seeing me in all this pain is in tears because she’s so worried about me. And I keep reassuring her that everything is fine and this pain is a normal part of pregnancy. Poor girl.

Finally got home and instantly got into an epsom salt bath. The pain was almost instantly gone. And then I was just exhausted. When I had to get out of the bath I felt so heavy I didn’t think I could make it to the bed.

My husband was making me bone broth with onions and garlic and waiting on me, and helping me with the girls. The poor man, not used to any of it having to do all of it lol. But he was great. Stayed strong for me.

So today I’m taking it easy.