Golden Marie 🌺 • A hippie at heart.

I was lost. I was suffering with depression and anxiety after going through my divorce. I drank everyday, a functioning alcoholic you could say.

Then I met a man who’s love felt like sunshine. But still... something was missing. She was unplanned & I was so afraid to bring a life into this world. I wasn’t even excited about my pregnant until about 5 months in. I felt her kick; a connection. A sign that she was REAL. Slowly the sadness began to fade and I started decorating and picking out names. Her father and I got married and our passion grew even deeper.

Then it was time. 2 days before my due date she was coming. There were complications and I had to have an emergency c-section. I was so afraid, i just wanted her to be okay. Then I heard, not a cry but a sneeze. That was her first sentiment to the world. She began to cry and I did too. She was the most beautiful baby in the world.

I sit here and I watch her sleep. She saved me from a life of destruction and sadness. Thank you Addison Rose.