This gray area is killing me!


So a couple weeks ago I started to get symptoms such as “firework vision” and I told my doctor about it and he checked my pee at my appointment and it had protein in it. So he had me do the 24 hour urine test and it was 369mg (apparently its not supposed to be over 300mg). But my blood pressures were normal. Until I went in for another check up and then my blood pressure was 142/78 which is definitely high for me cause mine is usually around 110/70. So once I got the high blood pressure on top of the 24 hour urine results my doctor sent me to the hospital to stay overnight. During my hospital stay my blood pressure went back to normal and stayed that way. They did a protein-creatinine ratio on my pee and it was 0.39 (apparently you don’t want it to be over 0.3). But my blood pressure was still normal. Then the other night I felt a big headache and had really hot ears and face so I went to the pharmacy and took my blood pressure and it was 146/80. So I went to the hospital cause the doc said if it went over 140 to come in. Well then my blood pressure went back to normal again and stayed that way. They did another protein-creatinine ratio and it went down to .12.. I’m still having “firework vision” and headaches and flushed ears and face and some swelling.

I’m so confused cause everything keeps going back and forth and my doctor is even confused too. He doesn’t want to diagnose preeclampsia without both high blood pressure and protein in urine at the same time & consistently.

I’m 35+5 today and just really want to know if I should be expecting preeclampsia to come in full force soon and have an induction next weekend at 37 or if I’m okay. Anyone ever have a story like this??? Please share!!