UTI orrrr

So I'll start here with my story

ALL of last week I was exhausted like I took so many naps for a whole week. The weekend comes it's Sunday night and my peeing feels different... I start thinking I may have a UTI. I drink tons of water all the time. Never had a UTI in my life(I'm 30) it's not painful my pee isn't dark it's normal light yellow. The reason I thought or think I had a UTI was when I was done peeing I got this intense feeling as if I was about to cum. Then it turned into, having this tingling horny sensation in my vagina Was super horny all last week my cm was WET like creamy... I shrug off the thought as being horny not a UTI..SO this week hits it's Tuesday and my urine is cloudy so I'm like that's not good. Start doing intense detox cranberry pills, jugs of water, try the baking soda water things. Which has worked. No longer have cloudy urine. The thing is I'm 5 days late. And I'm cramping and moody and emotional 😭 I've been crying at everything. My husband asked me what's wrong and I busted out in tears saying "idk what's wrong with me"...... don't want to take a test and my period show up, I can't take the disappointment....has anyone ever had UTI in which I described... Any insight would be appreciated. I thought UTI's were to be painful...

And believe me I so badly want to take a preg test, but I don't want to be crazy lady and take test after test and they all be negative. So I decided to wait two weeks past my missed period...I just don't want to put myself through the disappointment