38 week induction story


Well I've read so many of these, it's finally my turn.

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 35 ish weeks. Went in for reduced movements at 37 weeks and a growth scan showed bad calcification of the placenta so was scheduled so induction at 38 weeks.

Arrived at hospital on the 16th April at around 3pm and was given the 24 hour slow release pessary. Not a lot happened from then until around lunchtime the next day, I was getting contractions but no pain at all. At 3pm pessary comes out and we wait half an hour to see if contractions disappear or get worse.

They do a vaginal examination as the contractions carry on and find that I am 2cm dialated and they manually break my waters.

Well, the contractions went from 0-60 in minutes. I was in agony, there was barely a space between them and the top end of them was unbearable. They rushed me off to get gas and air as I couldn't cope at all.

Then they found I was already 6cm dialated. I wanted an epidural but as they were trying to explain the procedure I felt the urge to push.

At this point baby's heart rate plummeted and they checked me again. I was 10cm.

They started debating an emergency csection but my body had other ideas and wanted to push. I only had so many pushes to get him out due to his heart rate so I gave it everything and it hurt a lot. They had to cut me to prevent him getting stuck.

3 hours and 50 minutes from waters being broken, my beautiful Arthur arrived 😍 8 pounds and 8 ounces.

He is completely healthy. I'm a bit sore from a lot of stitches but so amazed that my body could do that. If you had asked me I would never have said I could give birth on only gas and air!

Thanks for reading and you cam do this mummies! ❤️