What would u do???


I lost my twins @ 21 weeks. They were born sleeping on Nov 28, 2018. The hospital gave me keepsakes & pictures of em. I took maternity/family pics while pregnant with em, i have videos/pics from the ultrasound (alot since I was high risk they were mono/mono twins. Same sac same placenta VERY RARE) I have my baby shower pens/notes frm family/decorations, their hospital blankets/hat's. Just alot of items of em. I've been wanting to go thru the box, but I right away took it to my storage bc I was so heartbroken & didn't wana be tempted to continue to hurt myself by constantly looking (Bc I woulda). Should I go get the box or should I leave it alone?? Of course ima cry & be hurt (I've been on ppd pills) so my husband thinks I should leave it there. On the other hand I miss them & wana see them. . . (I had to get them cremated, so i see their urn everyday) but it's not the same to me. . . What would u do???