Scheduled C—section Baby


I was scheduled to have a c-section at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia and high blood pressure. My first daughter was born via an emergency c-section so I decided to opt of trying VBAC. I went in to the hospital around 10:30 am. The hardest part was getting an epidural before the start of surgery. The anesthesiologist stuck me at least 10 times! He couldn’t get the needle in the correct spot. The medicine worked quickly because soon I couldn’t feel anything from my chest and downward. It was frightening because I couldn’t even feel myself breathe.Within 5 minutes of the start of surgery, my baby girl Raleigh Naliyah 🎀👶🏽 was born on April 16, 2019 at 12:24 pm and she weighed in at 5 pounds 15 oz. C-section recovery is long and tough but I am filled with joy.

of my beautiful baby girl.