Both of my birth stories 🤗 December 2015 and January 2019

I will start by saying HEY YALL! I love telling my birth stories because I was so scared for both and I wanted to know everything that could happen! Both of my births were not ideal or like my birthing plan.

My first was born December 25th 2015 at 40 week and 5 days. On Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> we were at the movies seeing Star Wars and I thought I peed my pants a little bit from laughing, I hadnt been feeling good all day long and my pregnancy was super easy. I didn’t know I was pregnant til 4 months when I went to get my depo shot again and every day I felt great not tired not bloated NOTHING. So on the 24th of december I was in pain all day long and just didn’t want to talk or eat or anything. We got home to our house around 10:30pm and I laid there for hours tossing and turning and not able to get comfy so at 3:00am on the 25th my husband made me call the dr and I was told to go in. I got there checking in swabbed to test if my water broke and sure enough it did. I labored for 20 hours with nothing then I got iv pain meds to hold me over til the epidural was available. I got the epidural at 6:45pm at 7 they told me it was time to push and had my son at 8:25pm. My delivery nurse called for the doctor to come in at 8:15 and she was asleep in another room and the head nurse said I still had a while so I got the labor dose of epidural and 2 pushes later my nurse was holding my son in me and 9 nurses rushed in telling me I had to stop pushing, my dr came in put one glove on and finished me up.

Now for my January baby. This pregnancy was SO hard. I felt sick all of the time and I knew I was pregnant at 2 weeks. This ob wouldn’t let anyone go past 41 weeks and where I lived the drs had off days and on call drs would deliver if they had that day off so she wanted to induce me at 38 weeks and I said no. My 40 week appointment came and she told me I needed to be induced before 41 weeks so I called to set my induction day which was planned for 3 days later and the hospital called me and told me to come in at mid night that night. So we go in and I’m freaking out, I really didn’t want to be induced that’s like signing up for pain and I’m not about that. We start PIT at 1 am and I fell asleep, woke up at 8 am to 3 nurses standing over me looking at the monitor because I had been having a constant contraction for 5 minutes and Rivers heart rate dropped so I got put on oxygen and stopped PIT for an hour. At 11:30 the anesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural. Hubs left to go get himself lunch at 11:45am and at 12:05 I start pushing the emergency button because I could feel everything and I had to push but no one was coming I had a number to call and it ended up being the wrong number and some lady from the other side of the hospital came running in and I’m screaming for help thinking I’m about to deliver this kid by myself hubs walks in at 12:15 and turns completely white as my water broke as he walked in I’m bawling and screaming and my dr walked by to go schedule a c section for another patient and heard me so she came to check on me and as she put her gloves and gown on my boy came out at 12:17pm.

Both labors were not my labor plan but both boys were health and happy. Now I am a mom of 2 crazy beautiful boys 😋