Advice please

Sorry if long, I couldn’t tell anyone else... This happened last night, I’m five weeks pregnant.

So I’ve been feeling emotional and it affected my reactions. It feels really bad because I feel like begging for emotions and love.

My husband didn’t get it, he got angry at me and started shouting that he spent ten hours with me and he wanted to go out on the day we both took off work. It was around11:30 pm.

I felt heart broken and started crying a lot... he came back to calm me down after I called him and was still angry at me and it took him a while to be able to calm down and help me calm down myself.

I felt pain in my abdomen and as he was putting his hand on me. he said he felt a cramp. He then told me to sleep and left and came back really late after he spent the night at his brother’s house. Around 5 am.

Today, I woke up feeling different, the pain associated with pregnancy wasn’t completely there. There was still some discomfort through the day but I felt more flexible. I’m not sure if something has happened or am I just being over worried.

He had lunch with me then dropped me to my mother’s house where we were supposed to have lunch and left. He didn’t come, I called him to ask if he wanted dinner and told me he’ll eat on his own and to go back home or sleep over at my mom’s house.

I chose to sleep at my mom’s, I didn’t want to go through trouble again so soon.

Should I be worried about the pregnancy?

Should I stay away from him? He has good things about him but whenever his brother calls he forgets everything, becomes tense and leaves at whatever cost. He was teasing me with his brother’s name today which I found childish. I don’t know what to do or how we’ll raise a child this way and this freaks me out.

I’m sorry, I’m feeling tired, I’m trying to find a solution so please respect this.