Shaming close pregnancies


I'm pregnant! Um, what?! It hasn't sunk in yet 😳 I found out this afternoon. I'm going to tell my husband Sunday afternoon. We just had our first baby (a girl) six months ago! I couldn't be happier and wouldn't change the timing❤️ My due date right now is mid December.

I am looking forward to this pregnancy and having my babies close in age. The only thing I am nervous about and not looking forward to are the comments which directly and indirectly shame close pregnancies. My sister all ready said (jokingly) "it's called birth control.. I told you..." Her and I have a super close relationship, so we're good. It's everyone else..

Can you share your stories about the comments you got about your close pregnancies? What are some kind, respectful responses? I prefer to take the higher road and say things truthfully but without rudeness (key word is "try" 😉🤣😳).