Pregnant 🥰🤰🏼

So my period was suppose to come on the 12 and it never came so I was feeling nauseas and headache so I went to the dollar store and got the cheap pregnancy test !!! I took it and it pop up faint so I went and got a digital one then it said pregnant I still couldn’t believe it so I went to the er and they was like you not pregnant and I was like umm I took like 3 test and they all said positive so he went did blood work and my hcg was on 129 yesterday so I’m around 4 to 5 weeks I seen my obgyn today and yes they confirm that im pregnant!!! but wanna test my hcg on Monday I’m hoping for a really healthy pregnancy and baby 🤰🏼🥰🥰 can’t wait for this new journey 👣 i haven’t post it on social media and don’t want too till I’m farther in my pregnancy! So I just wanna to share it with y’all tho .my rainbow baby 🌈👶🏼