Chances of being pregnant again?

Please do not judge. It was a heat of the moment, and we should have wore protection. I am going to be starting birth control soon.

Today was my 6 week pp check up and my OB cleared me.. so my husband and I decided to have sex. He forgot to pull out. (Habits die hard I guess because we were trying for a baby in the past) anyway he ended up finishing inside me.

I am 6w5d PP and I think I got my first postpartum period around 4w5d due to bleeding red and heavy and having menstrual like cramping after the bleeding was finally stopping it came back. ..even though i am ebf .. I am still bleeding currently today. (Bright red and light)Do you think the chances are high??? I really am regretting having sex.

Like I said please no nasty comments. It was stupid of us and next time we have sex there will be protection.

Thanks in advance.

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Posted at
Your chances are very very high. You're very fertile after you first have a child and even more so since it was 2 weeks after you started your last period.


Posted at
Good chance you’ll be having Irish twins I’m afraid. Only way to know is to wait and test. Fingers crossed for you, hope it works out


Posted at
If you're EBF, I disagree that your chances are very high. It's obviously not impossible though. The bleeding you had also wasn't necessarily your periods. Bleeding can stop and start in the beginning. I asked my doctor about it and that's what he told me.


Jacs • Apr 20, 2019
Second this!


Posted at
Same thing happened to me at 6 weeks pp and I didnt end up pregnant and I got my period 3 weeks pp


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How do you ovulate? Since having my baby I ovulate 3 weeks after my period. I hope you test soon. You are highly fertile postpartum.