Just checking

I use this forum to learn a lot about things because I feel like it is way better than google. Haha. I am a grown woman, but up until recently I was not using any form of birth control aside from pull-out. I am about to finish a pack and just want to put my mind at ease. In between my first week and second week days 6-9 I missed 4 active pills. I had a period, but I still took the active pills every day like I should have. I was not sexually active at the time. Now, I'm finishing my placebo week and did take every pill after the missed pills. I'm still okay right? Still protected? I am sexually active as of week 3 of this pack and Of course I still used the pull-out method, but I just want to be sure I'm okay. From my understanding as long as I do not go more than 7 days at any time without taking the active pills I am protected. 
Hopefully this makes sense. I was never sexually active when I was on birth control before, so I don't know all the ins and outs of it yet. :)