She came to fast


My daughter was born on 02/10/19. I was 39+5. I was scheduled to be induced on 02/12/19, her due date. At my 38 week appointment when I was checked I was 4cm and 80% effaced. At my 39 week appointment when I was checked I was still 4cm and 80% effaced. So no progress. My doctor did tell me that when I did go into labor not to dilly dally cause it will be quick. I should of listened to her.

It is 6:05am on Sunday 02/10/19. I wake up from that nights sleep and decide to go to the bathroom. I didn’t have to pee but I knew my son was going to be getting up within the hour. And when I would wake up having to pee it was painful!! So I get out of bed and I’m walking to the bathroom and I feel liquid come out of me. I didn’t know if it was my water or did I just pee myself? LOL. So I sit down on the toilet and examine my underwear. Yes I smelled them and it didn’t smell like pee at all. I went into the bedroom and woke up my husband and said I think my water just broke. Then at 6:19am I called my MIL and said I think my water broke. She said she would meet us at the hospital to take my son. Well right after I hung up the phone with her my contractions started. And they were intense, lasted about 2-3 minutes and only about 30-45 seconds apart. Trying to get dressed was so hard. So hard.

Idk how I did it but I got changed and we were in the car heading to the hospital at 6:41am. We pulled into the ER at 6:50am. The drive to the hospital was crazy! My husband was going around cars, running red lights and going fast. Luckily it was so early in the morning on a Sunday not many people were on the road. Oh and I was pushing. I could not help it but I was. He was telling me to stop and I tried but I couldn’t. My body was more or less doing it. Ok so we get to the ER n they come out with a wheelchair. While they r pushing me in I am screaming n pain. If you have ever heard a woman in labor you know the scream I am talking about. In the ER they checked me and immediately rushed me up to L&D. I am telling them I am pushing and they run faster. So I got into the room and when checked the baby’s head was at a +3. A nurse walked by and said oh wow look at all that hair! (Her head hair, not my vag hair lol). I pushed 4 times and she was out. My husband almost missed it cause he had to park the car!!!

Her birth was recorded at 6:59am. I got to the hospital at 6:50am. I was deep asleep at 6:00am. 8lbs 5oz......20 1/4” long

So I don’t hear her cry. It seemed like forever. She came out and wasn’t breathing. They had to work on her and finally she let out such a small cry but it relieved me as she was breathing now. She was on a CPAP machine for 48 hours to help her breath. Since she came out so fast there was a lot of fluid in her lungs.

boy oh boy this was a crazy, intense birth. All natural. I had a 1st degree tear and had to get 2 stitches. She was in the NICU for 10 days due to poor weight gain. She lost a total of 13% of her birth weight. She just had her 2 month appointment and she weighs 11lb 5.5 oz and is 22” long. She’s perfect!! I love her to death.