Does that mean I’m cheating?

yana • hi

Ok so it’s a weird story tbh, my now ex(let’s call him A) broke up with me needing time to himself claiming it’ll only be a break. Me having multiple ppl interested in me took this as an advantage to do whatever I wanted. The current person I’m talking to(let’s call him B) have created this relationship where it’s no strings only talking, but recently I asked him a question and he didn’t give me a straight answer. I asked him if I was his girlfriend and he said idk, so on that note I’d ask him daily, but there is another dude,(let’s call him C) I am talking to,but I have no emotional connection with him he’s just a “booty call”. I’ve given myself advice about his situation, but I feel like I’m going the wrong way about this, my advice to myself was” if he doesn’t make it clear that you his bitch,don’t act like his bitch because you gon look stupid” idk if I should continue to follow my own advice or just continue to “nag” him. If he doesn’t make it clear that we are together although we have feelings for each other does that mean we are together without labels? I know that this post is confusing, so let me just make it clear

A) we are on a break but after everything he has put me through and how he went about recent things, I don’t necessarily want a relationship with him at this moment

B) I’m not for sure if we’re together or not and he’ll disappear but I’m guessing he is going through stuff so I’m not going to punish him for it

C) as I said before he is just a booty call

Overall A&B are the only two I’d see myself with except for this other person but she isn’t related but she is

Ok so the female has a bf but her bf is my ex and she feels as though he’s cheating on her. She wants to be in a relationship with me while with him, I’m not necessarily down with ruining a relationship, but she’s my best friend and my first lesbian crush and lover so I don’t want her to be unhappy. Ik that just complicates everything more and it’s much easier for me to talk instead of typing, but I’m not for sure how to go on about this

Help please😭🙏🏽