I think I’m Pregnant BUT my test say no!

Hello, Ladies.

So I am pretty sure I am pregnant. I am very in tuned with my body, with the changes it goes through, and I’ve been practicing tracking my cycle through FLO which allows you to track from moods to, CM, to symptoms and based on what you track there are articles to give you knowledge about what you’re experiencing.

For the past month I’ve been experiencing nausea non stop. I’ve taken maybe 20 or so pregnancy strips I used two brands in case one was wrong and I’ve use first response maybe four test in March all negative. I’ve had two blood test March 25th and April 16 both negative.

But something is up with my body I’ve had cramping on my right side, I’ve been throwing up, feeling nauseous, extremely moody and I’m already moody but this level of mood swings has me concerned and I just feel bad for my bf because I don’t know why I’m so irritable and he’s being strong for me. I have horrible back aches, but I chop it up to working as a day care teacher to babies and constantly bending. But I’ve been there for 2 years now so the sudden back aches are questionable. And I missed my last period and I’ve only missed one other period in my life last summer and that was because I was changing birth control or I just stopped and it through my body off one of the two.

And I’m not trying to conceive or anything so it’s not like I’m trying to Will this to be a pregnancy. If it is then it is, if not then it’s not. I just want to know what is going on. My doctors found a cyst on the left ovary but my pain is on the right. My last sonogram was April 8th and it was to check the cyst and there wasn’t a pregnancy found but I now think back to December when they told me I had a tilted back uterus and it has me thinking could it be more challenging to find a embryo so early on in a tilted uterus? Especially if the technician wasn’t looking for a pregnancy.

Idk you guys, I just want an explanation to these out of the ordinary symptoms. I also just found out about this show “I didn’t know I was pregnant” and some of these women actually took pregnancy test even blood test and had negative results so it really has me thinking if I could be like those women?

Anyone ever had this happen and it turned out not to be pregnancy? (If yes, what was the cause?)

And has anyone had this happen and it did turned out to be a pregnancy?

Also, any advice you ladies could give is greatly appreciated.