What should I do about jobless boyfriend?

I want to start this off by saying I love my boyfriend very much. We have been together for 5 years and I do not want to leave him. But he has been extremely depressed lately (he takes antidepressants but it doesn’t seem to help) and he has no motivation to get a job. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and social anxiety. We both live with our parents, but I’m in college. He isn’t doing anything, doesn’t even have the motivation to get his license. I offered to help him practice but he always ends up saying not today/he feels too anxious today/etc. I have been paying for every single date, dinners, etc. and I’m sick of paying all the time. It makes me feel like I’m not worth it, the only one putting in effort etc. I have told him that I need help paying and he said he’s waiting until he gets accepted for social security for his conditions and then he is going to ease in with a part time job. The other night he broke down crying about how he isn’t providing for me. How do I motivate him to get a job and pay for things?