I was in the ER last night...


Hey everyone,

Last night I had to go to the ER because I started bleeding. Not just spotting, a full bleeding that was so strong I kept crying thinking I'm having another mc. I wanted to post here in case anyone else goes through this.

The baby is still there! I don't know how but by the grace of God, my baby is still there. Measured at 6w4d, HB 154. I'm on modified bed rest. I have to drink a lot more water. I can not tell you how afraid I was. I kept praying out loud to please let my baby be OK.

This morning it hit me! The entire time I was in the ER, I never once said ED baby. It was MY baby. I told them I had a 5d FET,

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

transfer and never said ED baby. I told them I was RH- and already had a Rhogam injection but never once said ED. I asked, Is my baby going to be OK? is my baby still there? Does my baby have a heartbeat? I wanted to share this in case anyone has any doubts about this process. Any fears of bonding with my child are now gone. This is my baby! ❤

**Update: Baby is still doing well. Measured at 7w today. I heard the heart beat. I won't have my bw results until tomorrow. **

**Update: My baby girl arrived Dec 9, 2019. I'm so in love! Every doubt I ever had has melted away and our bond is perfection. Yes the journey is difficult and different but it is so worth the wait!