Dear *****

you have infiltrated my life my father is dying , hasn’t been in my life for years and now he finally is & here you are a drug addicted walking twister. You leave your crack pipes laying around the house like you own it. My father is sober & has been for a few years , so why I ask again i do not understand why? you are 6 months pregnant I’ve known this whole time I was pregnant last year and had to get an abortion because I’m a teenager & didn’t have a job , people like you are the ones who should be getting abortions you have been addicted to herion for 11 years you have a 7 year old daughter whom you never speak to or seen in months ( her father passed away from drug use) so why ? Why are you setting this example why wouldn’t you get an abortion if you’re still shooting dope in your arms ? Why? Why do I still find crack pipes at my house ? Why is my father working everyday while he’s dying to support you and this child that you don’t even care about ? Why are you biting at the hand that’s been feeding you for a year ? You’ve stolen hundreds of dollars from him & he’s too sick to understand. Why is it okay for people like you to live an everyday life like you aren’t poisoning your child ? You wonteat raw fish but you’ll put a raw needle in your arm? You already have a child would you stick a needle in your 7 year old daughters arm ? it makes me sick. I know it is wrong of me to say she should’ve gotten an abortion but it’s truly what I believe, she should not have told my father she was pregnant she shouldvewent to planned parenthood and been an adult and done the right thing. Am I wrong ? Everyone’s making me feel like I’m crazy , my grandparents don’t believe me & I have no other family. What’s gonna happen when my dad dies ? And he can’t support her or her child who will probably have issues because of everything now ? She’s just gonna run to the next man who will support her and then guess where the kid will be ? Foster care or worse. I hate this , I hate you I want you gone i wish you would just disappear. I do not know how much time I have left with my dad & I know he loves you but I know you don’t love him. He’s told me he doesn’t want to be alone in his old age but I am your flesh and blood of which whom you neglected most of my childhood & I FORGAVE YOU because YOU are my dad and I love you. You are all I have left in this world and I know she’s sucking the life out of you with the hurricane life she has and I’m just watching you slip away I dontunderstand any of this