Pretty sure this is the end

Marissa • Mom to Hezekiah 10/23/17 (🌈) & Noah 2/8/20 (🌈) Baby #3 due 3/27/22

I’ve had no symptoms for around 10 days, & have been spotting brown for about a week. I had my HCG drawn on Tuesday & Thursday, and they came back today at 914 & 893. (In that order). I’m calling my midwife tomorrow to see if we schedule another draw, an ultrasound, or what next steps are. If I am losing the baby, its my 3rd miscarriage & 3/4 of my pregnancies have resulted in a loss. It makes me feel that my son (pregnancy 2/4) is a one off/lucky baby. Maybe something is wrong. :( I’m going to see if they will run some tests & see if something is causing this, either with me or my husband. I’m just so very sad.. I felt this was our little girl & was so happy to have a little December baby (I was born 12/13 myself)

I pray for all you lovely ladies to have the safest & most enjoyable next 7-8 months, and all the sticky babies for you! I hope I won’t be leaving this group but it seems I will, barring a miracle. 💔