Swim bladder issues in fish??


I've got a red eye tetras who's been in a community tank with a male betta, 5 neons, a pleco, and a Cory cat.

I came home from work today and noticed my red eye was missing. I searched my tank and found him hiding behind the rock floating upside down.

I thought for sure he was dead but when I went to net him he swam away, again upside down.

I've removed him from the tank and have him isolated in a plastic container to keep a better eye.

He has been bullied by the betta fish and I never realized how bad it was till I got a better look.

He is missing scales and his dorsal fin is very torn.

I DO not plan on returning him to my community tank. Instead of he survives I'll get more red eyes and have their own tank as I love the species.

I have been able to help the tetra swim a little but he always goes right back to his side or being upside down.

He's breathing perfectly and his find are still moving.

Added bonus photo of my tank ft tetra before sickness. It's a 10 gallon with plenty of hissing spots