He’s not the person I fell in love with anymore

So I was secretly recording my arguments with my husband and I shared it with his best friend my friends my family just to get their input on it and they all said he sounds like he’s completely lost his mind

I did it because honestly the arguments had me questioning my sanity and they literally left me so fucked up in the head I was questioning reality and what was real and what wasn’t because of him

Nearly everything he was arguing about was it logical petty stupid and he was asking for a divorce but once he got to the right side of mind he would tell me he loves me and he wanted us to work but at the same time he was saying I make him unhappy I make him feel a certain way

He said I would twist words

Like one day he kept going on and on and on and on about something

Previous to doing that he said he was sick of me going on and on and on about something

so in the middle of this I said hey you’re doing what you said that you didn’t like about me which is going on and on about something

and suddenly he shouted

TWIST!!!!! There you go twisting MY words fuck what I think fuck how I feel I’m always wrong you’re always right....

Anyways They stated he sounds like he’s lost his mind while I sound poised composed and intelligent

They even stated he doesn’t even sound like the same person he used to be

Even just typing this out and thinking of that makes me sad and makes me cry

I just don’t know which fork in the road to take do I go for divorce? Or do I try to make it work?

I’m just so conflicted I don’t know but I do know he is no longer the person i fell in love with

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