I have no one else..

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I had a long conversation about our relationship. We talked about how we both have things we need to work on, etc. He told me how amazing I am, how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. He talked about marrying me one day and having more children (we have 2). So today was good. We both remembered what we said and we communicated and had a great day. Well we get home tonight and when he is in the shower I noticed he had liked a girls picture on FB and he liked one of hers. Normally it would be whatever but this girl got drunk a few years back and messaged him to walk her home and sleep with her. (He didn't but only because I was out and he had our baby with him *red flag* ( I know) So of course I figured they were talking again. I didn't mention this but I asked him if he loved me and wanted me or someone else. He said most of the time he wants to be with me. I told him to answer again. He said he didn't know what he wants. I told him that was his answer. So he ended up leaving while I was helping my older daughter get to bed. I was pissed because I didnt know what he was doing but I could hear our baby whining. But he decided to leave instead of checking up on her. I called him and told him off. I called him again and told him to break up with me. He said he didn't want to but he wasn't happy with me or anyone else *eye roll* then he broke up with me after I told him again. Eight years... Eight years.. Since I was 15 years old. My heart hurts. My eyes and face burn. I am crying while typing this because I have no one to talk to. My babies are asleep and I am in bed alone. My heart hurts so bad. It hurts. Why did he lie? It hurts. (Oh and I need to mention this woman knows about me (but he makes me out to be crazy and horrible) and guess what she is a marriage and family counselor *the irony*