Hormonal Rant About Baby Showers

Just need to rant. I know I'm being ridiculous. I bawled about this to hubby tonight and he had a hard time keeping a straight face lol. 
My sister said she would throw a baby shower for us. She and I agree that girly showers with games and stuff are puke-inducing. I hate being the centre of attention and I hate contrived girly shit. So I said, fine, but it's gotta be a coed house party, no games, no baby themes, just a regular old party. Just one side of our friends group bc another friend is throwing a shower for a bigger group of our friends. 
But now my sis says it's gonna be on a Sunday afternoon, cause she works on Friday and doesn't want to do it on the Saturday. Sunday afternoon means shower to me, not a house party. No one is going to want to drink, the guys won't want to be there and it will be a generally lame, quiet sit around and stare at the pregnant girl kind of party of its on a Sunday afternoon. I swear that's exactly how it's going to play out. Awkward and lame and no one wants to be there, including me and hubby. 
My sis thinks the world revolves around her, always has. Everything is about making her life easier. I feel like if she has all these stipulations why be the one to throw the party?
I seriously want to say screw it, we're not having the shower and those invitees can all come to the other shower. Or maybe I should say fuck it and cancel both because who wants to be stared at and have people try to run your belly. Ugh. I just want to hide and talk to no one ever lol.