What should I do?


Little back story: when I went into labor on March 16th, I didn’t have any contractions or anything, I went into the hospital because I was bleeding very heavily. It was a constant stream of blood and I was immediately admitted. They had no idea where the blood was coming from or why I was bleeding, so my doctor thought maybe I had a tear or something around my placenta and said we wouldn’t know until after I gave birth and she could actually look at it. After birth she said my placenta was completely fine and intact. I left the hospital not knowing where any of the blood had came from.

Saturday: on Saturday I was going about my usual business when I felt a little gush. I went into the bathroom and there was some blood, I had assumed I had started my period, my baby is FF so I was told my period could come sooner because of this. I put on a pad and went back to my day. That night I noticed I was going through quite a few jumbo pads with lots of clots.

Sunday: I woke up completely soaked through a jumbo pad at 6am, I had changed it when I woke up to feed my daughter at 5am. I continued to soak through large pads all day

Today: So far today I’ve still been going through jumbo pads at the same rate. But today I was peeing an a ping pong sized clot just plopped right into the toilet, it splashed and honestly startled me.

I have always had unforgiving periods my entire life.. awful cramps, heavy flow, back pain, headaches, vomiting. But this is completely different, this isn’t just a “heavy flow” and I know what a heavy flow is like. Also, not a single cramp, not back pain or headaches. I also didn’t bleed passed the 3rd day PP and all of a sudden it’s back.

I have no idea what’s going on and I’m starting to get nervous and seek some advice. I called my OB’s office and her nurse was unavailable and I left a message. Should I pursue further to get ahold of someone or call a labor and delivery nurse, just go in, or not even worry about it?

Has anyone else had this problem? Or even the strange heavy bleeding with no source during labor??