Sooo i’m very skeptical when it comes to these kinds things. i’m not a religious person either. this past 2 weeks ill hear noises in my room. i feel so uneasy in my room. sometimes a light will flicker on and off as well. also no dog will sleep with me down there anymore. some will growl at mid air. my door will open and close on its own. i thought i was going insane until today i was sitting in the dining room with my mom and grandma and my door SLAMMED. we thought someone broke in so my dad checked the whole house. so i grabbed a cross that came with my house and brought it down to my room😂 now i’m researching trying to figure out what to do. this “spirit” is just in my room. there’s no AC or vents, no windows open & my door is HEAVY. its huge and glass (my room is in the basement). my friend passed over a year ago and i’m thinking that it might be him? or a spirit that followed me home from the cemetery. idk does anyone have any advice on what to do. please don’t tell me my doors moving because of a stupid reason. there’s serious nothing that’s moving it.