First pregnancy

Mel • I am 23 found out I was pregnant on September 2nd. So excited for this new adventure me and my fiance will be going on! He is the love of my life and I couldn't be happier!!
I am about 6w 4d and am so excited. I'm just getting through bleeding for the Last 5 days and today I'm finally done. Saturday was brown then the day after in noon I started bleeding. The doc I called said it may be the baby getting comfy burrowing in. I was told to look out for bright blood and tissue, then I went to my first prenatal appointment on Monday and I told her, my pee test came out positive still which I felt relieved. She too said it happens in the first trimester and everyone is different, as long as I'm not having extreme cramps and clots of blood bigger than a quarter, also if it is not worse than my regular periods from before. I am staying positive, my friend got me scared a bit ago. She miscarried, there was no baby in her sack. She told me I may not have a baby in there and I could have the same thing happen to her. I let that get to my head and had a bad few days. I'm realizing today that it's stupid to let people get to your head, wetter it's meant to or not. I am more sensitive and have not much control of my emotions as much as I used to. I'm taking everyday as it comes, I am in no control besides keping positive and staying healthy for me and my growing baby. Hope you guys be safe on your journey and stay healthy and happy. :)