Worst night of my LIFE! 😔

Ke Ke • 21, Pregnant & Excited.

Yesterday around 6:30p I was at work and I went to use the bathroom and wiped and saw bright red blood. So much I instantly said “I think I’m losing my baby”. I left work and went straight to the ER. I was in the waiting room for 4 hours before I received a room and bed and waited another hour before I was even seen by a doctor. I went to an ultrasound around 2:15a and the Doctor came in around 3:45a & told me that during my first ER visit they heard my baby heart beat ( 4.6.19 ) at 141 bpm, but now that can’t find one. My heart was instantly broken and crushed! I ended up being there until 5:30a because they wanted me to talk to an OB about next steps. I’m completely crushed and can’t even keep back my tears as I share my story with you girls. They told me to still attend my prenatal appointment on Monday and I’ve been praying all night not only to the Lord but to my angels I’ve lost ( my older sister, my younger brother, my uncle, two aunts, and my younger cousin RIP ) that when my child’s father and I attend this appointment that they find a heart beat and my baby is still alive. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY BABY! PLEASE!! 💔💔❗️