Help! Skin rash since 7 weeks pregnant 😭😭


So when I was 7 weeks pregnant (I'm 19+2 today) I developed a horrible rash between my breasts and around my neck. At the same time I had a bad breakout on my chin thanks to hormones.

Went to the doctor and I got given a cream for a fungal infection, used it and luckily the chest rash is gone, the one around my neck is fading slowly.

The breakout however, I don't even know what to do with it. It never disappeared, and as my pregnancy is progressing it's getting worse. It's not itchy, but it's a very dry texture and completely different to the rest of my face and it's getting darker 😩

I have not changed any face products

It's not an allergic reaction to anything

The cream I used for my chest and neck doesn't work

I clean my face twice a day with warm water only as any face scrubs or exfoliants aggravate it.

This was it about 4 weeks ago

This is it today

HELP ME 😭 doctor's don't know what it is, he keeps telling me to use the cream and keep my skin clean which I'm doing 😭 going back for some flu jabs this week so gonna ask for help again but not even concealer covers it up and I don't wanna put makeup on it in case it gets worse, but leaving the house like this makes me so self conscious 😩