I don’t know what to do I need some SERIOUS ADVICE!!🤮🥴🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


I am SO lost right now and I am HORRIBLE at making decisions for myself. I’m about to turn 17 and for starters I feel like I’m taking on too much and trying to grow up too fast and looking too much into the future, which I don’t know if it’s good or bad for me at this point. This school year I decided to take college class while in high school, so I have two classes at my high school and then two classes at my local technical college, which has been SO stressful to say the least and I feel like I’m losing my mind. I completely forgot to submit a paper last night, so I did it this morning while freaking out and I’m praying I will get at least some credit for it. My job is complete shit and I’m trying to look for a new one, but it’s hard being under 18 and not wanting to work in large fast food chains. This year I’ve had my first depression episode, and feel like I’m falling back in, and now I’m rushing to meet deadlines and make decisions. I don’t know what to do about my job or finding a new one, and I did want to volunteer at the hospital this summer, but now I just want some sleep and a damn break. The director of the volunteer program from the hospital emailed me yesterday to ask if I’m still interested in volunteering, and I have no idea what to reply. At this point I don’t think it’s the best thing because I’m just so stressed, but my parents are pushing me to volunteer because it will look good for college, but again I’m so stressed and tired and just want a break, so I’m lost and hopefully some of you could offer some advice to help me in my decisions and life in general.