The wait is killing me. And a rant on my husband's job..


I had an ultrasound at 15 weeks. I'm 19 weeks tomorrow and I have to wait until Monday to hear her heartbeat then another 3-4 weeks to see her again. 😭 My husband is getting annoyed because I've had 4-5 ultrasounds done so far (I had some complications) and he was only there for 1.

His job is so strict and never let's him off for a day unless its a scheduled day off. He can request a day off months in advance and they'll still say "sorry we can't get someone to cover you that day" he works morning shift manager for a pizza place in our small town, plus works part time at a factory and he's the only one at the pizza place who knows the morning shift prep because his bosses are too lazy to hire someone else even though he's told them multiple times he's going full time at the factory and they need to replace him. He's been there 7 years and they just don't believe that he is ever going to leave. 😡😡 He doesn't want to leave until he knows they have someone training for his spot because like I said they have no one to cover his spot.