I’m pregnant, and I’ve had a mc years ago, I’m scared -


I learned I was pregnant two weeks after I had my period simply from 4 days of peak opks. My hcg level was 116 then 192 and finally 333. I have my first appointment next Tuesday. I’m scared this isn’t going to end well. I have a 12 year old, had a loss, have a 17 month old and now hoping for our last baby. Nausea comes and goes, but I’ve had some terrible pains a few days ago that I believe were IBS related as it improved. Every pain I have. i worry it’s going to be a mc. I have light cramping which I know is normal, I’m exhausted, I’m mean and moody, hungry and full all the time, and my breasts are so sore (and I’m still nursing a couple times a day for my toddler).

My loss had all symptoms stop and then I bled with heavy cramping. I was early on, and it devastated me. Can you please post what your mc symptoms were and how your early, heathy pregnancy progressed? Thank you, and I wish you all the very best.