do i leave?

so i’ve been talking to this boy from another school that is about 30 minutes away from me and we don’t see each other like ever!! he’s been really different lately and i just think he doesn’t like me anymore. we’ve always fought over things and have gotten through everything but lately it’s just added to my stress. my friends are telling me to leave him but i don’t want to. i mean when things have gone too far with him, i’ve wanted to leave and i tried but he really is a good guy. he just doesn’t talk about his problems ever and if i ask what’s going on sometimes he’ll just get mad. and then recently a boy that in 6th grade i likes while he was in 8th and i got in trouble for going to his house but he’s been texting me and he really is a good guy. he just took things too far when i went to his house and he just has a really bad reputation. i don’t know what to do. and it feels wrong talking to Blake which is the boy i’m talking to right now because he just isn’t my ex and he doesn’t try as hard as he does. i know everyone is different but i want him to at least try harder and try to understand me and ask how i’m doing. what do i do??