I have 2 Tumours?! I'm 21! *my journey*


Ultrasound scans were done after I had no periods for 3 months, lots of pain, negative pregnancy tests and a bunch of other symptoms.

A tumour (most likely benign) was found on my right ovary. Another smaller mass was found in my uterus.

My gyno told me that I have to have surgery to remove the ovarian tumour and a camera will be inserted through the vagina (while under anesthesia) to look at take a biopsy of/possibly remove the small mass in my uterus.

That day I was sent to get a whole bunch blood work done.

My blood test results came back today.

I had high insulin results, the doc said that this, as well as considering my symptoms, tells him that I most likely have PCOS.

My Prolactin was suuuppperr high. Normal prolactin range for pre-menupausal women is 60 - 620 and mine was 1,223!

This can be caused by pregnancy, medications, thyroid problems (but I don't take any meds, my pregnancy tests were negative and thyroid tests came back normal) so it's most likely that I have a tumour (usually non cancerous & usually small) on my pituitary gland (attached to the brain).

So I have to get brain scans done, and if its not cancerous and it's small then all I need is medication to treat it. This may effect my fertility/pregnancies later in life as, depending on the tumour size and reaction to treatment, it may grow during pregnancy and cause vision problems, headaches and other issues.

All cancer marker blood tests (CA-125 etc.) came back negative.

So, I most likely have PCOS & a (hopefully small) tumour attached to my brain as well as 1 tumour on my ovary & something in my uterus 👍

i had a giant, benign, breast tumour removed 2 yrs ago.

why does my body like creating tumours like please F off I don't need this stress, I'm only 21yrs old and I haven't slept in weeks because of all of this weight on my shoulders.