Does this ever happen to you?

I let this guy s few months ago, it was so great. We had the greatest chemistry, we talked for almost a month in the phone before we met and when we did 💯💯 I had the biggest trouble convincing myself not to have sex with him on the first date. When he kissed me for the first time, we were at a museum and I tried so hard to act appropriately. I almost fell, he kissed me so good that I almost fell and he had to support me. We’ve kept seeing each other for the last three months and we had about two fights that resulted in us not talking to each other . For over a month now we’ve been good but it’s getting boring. It’s like there’s nothing to talk about, he’s not entirely to blame for that but sometimes I feel like the only way for us to have an interesting conversation is to talk about sex.

We are dating exclusively and we said I love you. (I said it first) i know we kinda went too fast but how do I bring this back to interesting and fun again?

I’m afraid he’s gonna walk away if it keeps being that boring. If he doesn’t, I might cause going from fire to _ like that is no fun. Any advice?