Reversed Sleep Patterns

Hello, my LO is 13 weeks now &, though I know a lot of babies can take awhile to begin sleeping through the night, I believe my baby has his days & nights reversed. He will literally sleep for hours on end during them daytime, no matter what we're doing or how much noise is around. I have to wake him up to feed him & he'll even stay awake through changes. But at night he'll sleep maybe 3 hours tops & then be up & just blabbing away. Most times he's not fussy, but I'm a light sleeper so any of his noises wake me up. & when he is fussy my life is hell because of my busy days throughout the week. So needless to say, I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar problem or has any suggestions. 
Side Note; I've already tried keeping him awake during the day, only allowing a few, short naps, but even when successful the result is still the same just a lot more fussy.